You amaze me. Wow, God! Wow! Look at that smile on my face.
How you daze me. Wow, God! Wow! Behold Your style and Your grace.
What a joy to watch You work; what a pleasure to watch You create;
Always astounding with love, Your reverent signature trait.
You lift the veil when it’s needed. You bend the rules when You can.
Your support is infinite, and your wave can revise any plan.
You amaze me. Wow, God! Wow! Abundance is all around.
How You daze me. Wow, God! Wow! Your miracles, hidden and found.
Your solutions delight and surprise. Your answers are worth the wait;
Always astounding with love, Your reverent signature trait.
You give hope when it’s needed. You show up and make Yourself known.
You help Your children believe. Every heart is Your kingdom and throne.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2020