Some are rich, some are poor, some have less, some have more.
In spite of circumstance, equal is the chance.
To treat each other kindly, to lend a helping hand,
To love each soul regardless of what we understand.
How to treat another is all that’s of concern.
“Love is all that matters” is what we came to learn.
Some are blind, some can see, some are trapped, some are free.
In spite of circumstance, equal is the chance.
To put ourselves in “their shoes” and gain with different sight
Another soul’s perspective on what is wrong or right.
How to treat another is all that’s of concern.
“Love is all that matters” is what we came to learn.
Some are frail, some are strong, some alone, some belong.
In spite of circumstance, equal is the chance.
To love without condition as deeply as we can,
“To turn the other cheek” toward thy fellow man.
How to treat another is all that’s of concern.
“Love is all that matters” is what we came to learn.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2009