Unexpressed emotions will always find a way
To journey to your heart and have their loving say.
They will tell you that they’ve traveled a hard and lengthy road.
They will tell you that it’s time that you unburden and unload.
If the old does not move out, then the new cannot move in.
A blockage will occur and the process will begin
The process of releasing is what our spirits do
By recreating dramas that will let old feelings through.
At first you may not recognize, be aware of, or suspect
How feelings from the past and the present all connect.
It’s a spiritual necessity, a universal need
That emotions be experienced before they can be freed.
Emotions that prefer and would rather give their space
To healthy new emotions that would like to take their place.
No tired old defenses will take from us or steal
God’s greatest gift of all, the capacity to feel.
Unexpressed emotions will always find a way
To journey to your heart and have their loving say.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 1997