Love has perfect timing. The right time has already been set.
Love sustains us through the wait, the uncertainty, and the fret.
“I and my Father are one.” Love feels what I feel and knows:
The impatience of my journey, the weariness of the “slows.”
Keep walking and do not waver. The signs are there to see.
More signs are just up ahead pointing to home, “I Am,” and free.
Love has perfect timing. The right time has already been set.
Love sustains us through the wait, the uncertainty, and the fret.
“I and my Father are one.” Love feels what I feel and knows:
The hardships of my journey, the challenges, and the woes.
Keep walking and do not waver. The signs are there to see.
More signs are just up ahead pointing to home, “I Am,” and free.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2023
Inspiration: When the right time comes, I will make this happen quickly….
(Isaiah 60:22)