To the fatherless sons and daughters, do not fret, do not despair.
This void is filled by The Father who never leaves and is always there.
The Father will never desert you, hurt you, or do you wrong.
The Father’s love will show you that you are cherished and you belong.
The Father steps up and steps in. It’s His favorite thing to do,
Directly filling all voids with His love, love for a needed few.
To the motherless daughters and sons, do not fret, do not despair.
This void is filled by The Father who never leaves and is always there.
The Father will hold you in His arms until you are well and strong.
The Father’s love will show you that you are cherished and you belong.
The Father steps up and steps in. It’s His favorite thing to do,
Directly filling all voids with His love, love for a needed few.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2019