Kiss the ground they walk on. Thank them every day.
Ask God to bless the air they breathe when you stop to pray.
How do we repay them, with sacrifice so great?
No amount will satisfy. No fee will compensate.
We honor what they’ve given up every time we make
A worthy choice, a loving choice, a choice for good’s true sake.
We honor what they’ve suffered each time we are aware -
That choices come from freedom and are ones to make with care.
Kiss the ground they walk on. Thank them every day.
Ask God to fill your heart with soothing words to say.
How do we repay them, with sacrifice so great?
No amount will satisfy. No fee will compensate.
We honor what they’ve given up every time we make -
A noble choice, a kindly choice, a choice for good’s true sake.
We honor what they’ve suffered each time we are aware -
That choices come from freedom and are ones to make with care.
Kiss the ground they walk on. Thank them every day.
Ask God to hold them close. Send love and peace their way.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2005