Shine the light on the darkness. Let love pour in and take hold.
Look under the rock with courage. Let warmth overtake the cold.
No more will we turn a blind eye. With God’s help, we will look and see.
We are one and we stand united. Fearless is what we will be.
Love and God are stronger. We won’t sleep a minute longer.
We are waking up in numbers from our separation slumbers.
Shine the light on the darkness. Let love pour in and sustain.
Look under the rock with courage. Let goodness restore and reign.
No more will we bury our heads. With God’s help, we will look and see.
We are one and we stand together. Fearless is what we will be.
God and Love are stronger. We won’t sleep a minute longer.
We are waking up in numbers from our separation slumbers.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2020