Let go and grow. Trust God and know: the time has come to release
Attachments that anchor the soul that yearns for freedom and peace.
Acceptance is at the door, a journey of years and tears;
So grateful to be home after many ‘fars’ and ‘nears’.
Clinging loses its power, its influence and appeal.
Grieving turns to surrender, allowing the heart to heal.
Healing by releasing as we start to clear a space;
Making room for many blessings such as wholeness, joy, and grace.
New hopes and new beginnings, faithfully unfold
As our grip begins to open and our fingers lose their hold.
Let go and grow. Trust God and know, the time has come to release
Attachments that anchor the soul, that yearns for freedom and peace.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2017
Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.