I spy, with my little eye, a mother that loves me so.
Thank you for all the kisses and hugs. I need them as I grow.
I’m too young to know your sacrifice but one day I will see
All the love from your loving heart that raised and nurtured me.
I see something that you don’t see and the color of it is bright.
Love, please bless my mother with all Your grace and with all Your light.
I spy, with my little eye, a mother that loves me dear
From the minute I was born to forever and a year.
I’m too young to know your sacrifice but one day I will see
All the love from your loving heart that held and cherished me.
I see something that you don’t see and the color of it is bright.
Love, please love my mother with all Your heart and with all Your might.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2018