It is time for joy and happiness. Enough of the dark and gloom.
It is time for love to reign and for sunshine to fill the room.
It is time for faith and hope. Enough of the dark and doubt.
It is time for love to reign every minute day in and day out.
Miracles wrapped in blessings bestowed by His love and His grace.
Fondest wishes and dreams come true abundantly for our embrace.
It is time for brotherhood. Enough of the dark and dread.
It is time for love to reign, goodwill to give and spread.
It is time for hearts content. Enough of the dark and fear.
It is time for love to reign. God is well and God is here.
Miracles wrapped in blessings bestowed by His love and His grace.
Fondest wishes and dreams come true abundantly for our embrace.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2019