It’s okay to sit down and relax. It is fine to simply be.
Much to behold, dreams that unfold in the shade of a backyard tree.
That grass is a vivid Heaven green. That sky is angelic blue.
The breeze smells like cotton candy as that cloud floats to out of view.
No demands or expectations with these lawn chair revelations;
Just nature at peace, and content, with a day that is wisely spent.
It’s okay to have nothing to do. It is fine to close your eyes.
Nature to hear, nothing to fear as time slowly passes yet flies.
The squirrels and birds impart wisdom as they share their company.
No shackles of “shoulds” enslave them. They only know “being” and “free.”
No demands or expectations with these lawn chair revelations;
Just nature at peace, and content, with a day that is wisely spent.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2023