The mind finds one hundred reasons to prove and support its case.
When it wants to judge and control, it forgets its role and its place.
The mind has a blind agenda, to win and to always be right.
The mind can’t feel what’s truly at stake, losing the love in the fight.
It’s the heart that’s meant to command. It’s the heart commissioned to lead.
It’s the heart that can break through illusion and rescue the love in need.
The mind finds one hundred reasons to prove and support its case.
When it wants to blame and direct, it forgets its role and its place.
The mind is supposed to serve the heart, to encourage and to assist.
Conflicts arise when the mind decides instead to rebel and resist.
It’s the heart that’s meant to command. It’s the heart empowered to lead.
It’s the heart that can break through illusion and rescue the love in need.
Strengthen the heart through forgiveness. Give it the upper hand.
Choose love without any reason. The mind just may not understand.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2018
Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.