Sometimes the pain’s unbearable, too much, too great, too vast.
We feel our spirit slipping and we fear we may not last.
“When you feel like giving up and no longer wish to try,
Help another, help yourself. On this truth you can rely.”
Sometimes we feel it’s hopeless and there’s no use going on.
It all seems rather pointless when all happiness is gone.
“When you feel like you have nothing and no longer wish to try,
Give another, give yourself. On this truth you can rely.”
Sometimes we feel abandoned, like no one seems to care,
Deserted and forsaken, cast out by our despair.
“When you feel you’re all alone and no longer wish to try,
Reach another, reach yourself. On this truth you can rely.”
Sometimes we lose perspective when depression clouds our view.
We’re not sure how to save ourselves. We don’t know what to do.
“When you feel like giving up and no longer wish to try,
Help another, help yourself. On this truth you can rely.”
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2003