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Updated: Jan 29

 Decide to feel joy no matter what the physical outside shows.

                It’s the sign that you’ve actually changed.  The sign that your inside grows.


Still reacting to the outside with routine fear and frustration

                Reinforces you haven’t changed supporting the same stagnation.


Why should the outside change when the inside remains the same?

                It’s the inside that holds the power.  Decide.  Believe and reframe.


Decide to feel love no matter what the physical outside shows. 

                It’s the sign that you’ve actually changed.  The sign that your inside grows.


Still reacting to the outside with disappointment and aggravation

                Reinforces you haven’t changed repeating the same stagnation.


Why should the outside change when the inside remains the same?

                “The Kingdom of Heaven lies within.”  Decide.  Believe and reframe.



                                                -Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2024




Inspiration:  Darryl Anka Channeling of Bashar

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