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Change Of Heart

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

Forgiving is for the forgiver. Drop that anvil from your back.

It’s in the being, not the doing, that keeps a soul on track.

Be free from negativity that loads and weighs you down.

Let go of all resentment that keeps you limited and bound.

No change in your behavior is required or in need;

No change in circumstance, in your action, word or deed.

It is just a change of heart. There is nothing else to do.

It is just a change of heart that will unburden and renew.

Forgiving is for the forgiver. Drop that anvil from your back.

It’s in the being, not the doing, that keeps a soul on track.

Be free from negativity that makes you sick and old.

Let go of all your grudges and ill will that keeps you cold.

No change in your behavior is required or in need;

No change in circumstance, in your action, word or deed.

It is just a change of heart. It is that and nothing more.

It is just a change of heart that will untether and restore.

- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2018


Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.

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