You have a special purpose to accomplish and fulfill.
If you don’t bring it to fruition, there is no one else who will.
No one will replace you, fill your boots or supersede.
Love wants you, only you, for this objective and this need.
There is wholeness in Love’s art. There is wholeness in Love’s creation.
Every soul must play their part with Love’s blessing and adoration.
You have a special covenant to realize and fulfill.
If you don’t bring it to fruition, there is no one else who will.
No one will supplant you, fill your shoes or substitute.
Love wants you, only you. Love is certain and resolute.
There is wholeness in Love’s art. There is wholeness in Love’s creation.
Every soul must play their part with Love’s support and admiration.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2020
Inspiration: Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.