Accepting our oneness of spirit, ending duality,
Brings blessings of restoration, wholeness, and unity.
They pull further out in perspective. Peacemakers know and observe.
Dualistic approaches to living no longer work or serve.
“For they shall be called the sons of God;” at peace with their existence;
Not slaves to the structures of man; free from the weeds of resistance.
Accepting our oneness of spirit, ending duality,
Brings blessings of restoration, wholeness, and unity.
They pull further out in perspective. Peacemakers able to see,
Two parts don’t have to be at war in God’s greater harmony.
“For they shall be called the sons of God;” at peace with their existence;
Not slaves to the structures of man; free from the weeds of resistance.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor, © 2020
Inspiration: Green, Glenda. Love Without End: Jesus Speaks. Spirits, 2009.