Every stripe, and every star, to remind you where you are.
Sacred ground, and hallowed land, it is time to take a stand.
Stand for freedom. Let her wave. Stand for God and all the brave.
Stand for freedom. Fly it proud. Stand for country. Say it loud.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag.” I will not let her fade.
I challenge those offended by the sacrifice she’s paid.
Every color, white, blue, red, to remind you of blood shed;
For the hope and privilege here, earned by those we hold so dear.
Stand for freedom. Let her wave. Stand for God and all the brave.
Stand for freedom. Fly it proud. Stand for country. Say it loud.
“I pledge allegiance to the flag;” my hand over my heart.
I promise to defend her. It is time to do my part.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2015