It’s been a year today - still much to feel, little to say.
It’s been a year today. Continue to show me the way.
I wasn’t sure I’d make it, but somehow I’ve kept on;
Lots of tears, baby steps, other souls to lean upon.
Some years ask more than others, and equaled to our pain
Is the number of the angels sent to comfort and sustain.
I wasn’t sure I’d make it, but somehow I’ve withstood.
Every day that I’m still here is a day that I’ve “done good”.
Some years ask more than others, and equaled to our ache
Is the devotion of dear God there to help and not forsake.
I wasn’t sure I’d make it but somehow I’ve pulled through;
Daily prayers beseeching mercy answered lovingly by You.
Some years ask more than others, and equaled to our woe
Is the conviction of dear God and the lengths to which He’ll go.
It’s been a year today - still much to feel, little to say.
It’s been a year today. Continue to show me the way.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2004