Oh mother of mine, oh mother I love, I wish to sing to you
A lullaby of hope and love, a song to see you through.
Do not worry, do not cry, sing with me this tune,
For I am in your future and we’ll be together soon.
I’m sorry you’re in pain and you feel your heart may break.
Please know that I am well, but more patience this will take.
One day you will forget this tune, but you will sing to me
A new song filled with hope and love that lulls me tenderly.
Let peace consume your mind and heart, for then you’ll come to know
There is no reason to be sad, no reason for your woe.
I wish that I could hold you and rock away your tears.
I wish that I could shield you from your sorrow and your fears;
For now you must have faith and for now you must be strong;
For now you must believe in my loving, caring song.
Oh mother of mine, oh mother I love, I wish to sing to you
A lullaby of hope and love, a song to see you through.
Do not worry, do not cry, sing with me this tune,
For I am in your future and we’ll be together soon.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 1997, 2018