‘Now’ is the gap between moments of time. ‘Now’ is infinity.
‘Now’ is the gateway to God and to our own divinity.
The future and past are just thoughts. Thoughts that distract and divert;
Keeping the gateway closed and the steps toward ascension inert.
When the mind is free of thoughts, the power of ‘now’ takes hold.
When the mind is free of thoughts, solutions and answers are told.
‘Now’ is the gap between moments of time. ‘Now’ is infinity.
‘Now’ is the gateway to God and to our own divinity.
The future and past are just thoughts. Thoughts that deflect and sidetrack;
Keeping the gateway closed and the steps toward ascension held back.
When the mind is free of thoughts, the power of ‘now’ takes hold.
When the mind is free of thoughts, peace and contentment unfold.
-Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2022