Be the light in the darkness. Be the calmness in the storm.
Be the water in the desert, and in the winter, be the warm.
Be the patience in the hurry. Be the giving in the take.
Be the nourishment in the hunger. Be the comfort in the ache.
Wake Up! The day is dawning. You’re not separate, Little Star.
Wake up to your perfection and be the love that you are.
Be the healing in the sick. Be forgiveness in the fight.
Be the shoulder in the grief, and in the fear, be the “all right.”
Be the kindness in the anger. Be the truth that clears the air.
Be the goodness in the evil. Be the answer in the prayer.
Wake Up! The day is dawning. You’re not separate, Little Star.
Wake up to your perfection and be the love that you are.
- Lisa Murphy Taylor © 2020